Strengthening Corporate Governance

DKK believes that establishing a sound and transparent management base is essential to sustainable growth. The DKK Group strives to improve the effectiveness of its Corporate Governance to enhance its corporate value over the long term, and to become a company that continues to be trusted and needed by society and stakeholders.

Strengthening Corporate Governance & KPIs

*Continuous targets for each year if no specific target fiscal year is indicated

Priority InitiativesSpecific InitiativesKPIs/Mid- and Long-Term Goals
Compliance-focused management・Promotion of compliance programs
・Strengthening implementation of compliance training programs
Compliance education sessions for officers and division chiefs: At least once every year
Attendance at compliance training sessions: 100%
Promotion of communication with stakeholders・Enhancement of disclosed materials and prompt disclosure of English translations
・Improvement of communication between investors and management
Participation of director and outside directors in dialogue with investors
Ensuring transparency of management・Effectiveness assessments for the Board of Directors
・Improving the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors effectiveness evaluation: Once every year
Rate of Directors’ attendance at Board meetings in a year: 100%
Enhancing information security・Acquisition of ISO27001 certification
・Hold security training
Obtaining ISO27001(FY2024)
Attendance rate of security training sessions: 100%

The following colors are used for the color-coding of KPIs/mid- and long-term goals

…DKK only …Including DKK domestic group companies …DKK group companies (including international companies)

Actual data and progress

Click here for the Key Performance Indicate and actual data