Providing Outstanding Products and Contributing to Society
We believe that this phrase, which is the first word in our management philosophy, clearly expresses what the DKK Group should be and what it should aim for in the future.
Our Group has two pillars of business development: telecommunications and induction heating.
Our Telecommunications Division handles everything from manufacturing antennas to manufacturing the steel towers onto which they are installed to the construction of communication facilities for the radio wave-based telecommunications that are so indispensable to modern society. Our Induction Heating Division (high frequency) handles equipment that uses induction heating technology to strengthen steel, primarily to strengthen automotive components.
Since its founding in 1950, our Group has always contributed to society through our business, and we are proud that this DNA has been passed down for more than 70 years.
Now, our aim for the group is “Pioneering the Future” through strategies set forth in our medium- to long-term management strategy:creation of new business, further expansion of existing business, and strengthening our management foundation.
In today’s world of rapid technological development, there are many situations wherein we can help solve social issues. Communication solution services such as 5G and local 5G, which are indispensable in an IoT society in which all things are connected via communication networks, responses to next-generation mobility represented by electric vehicles, and business expansion through the development of new uses for the technology our company has: This is how we work to further contribute to society. This is why we believe it is necessary to solidify our foundations and actively drive our business forward, including cooperation with other companies.
We have also established a Basic Policy on Sustainability as a Group, to realize a sustainable society. There are important issues (materiality) including cultivating a workplace environment that is pleasant for all employees to work in, reinforcing corporate governance, contributing to social infrastructure improvements, promoting environmental management, and generating new business ideas. By setting indicators (KPIs) to assess outcomes in these areas and planning to firmly promote them, we aim to be a company that satisfies all stakeholders involved with our Group.
Our Group will continue to transform. Without forgetting the basics of being a company that contributes to society, we will do our utmost to achieve further growth by reforming governance and developing new businesses. Look forward to the future of DKK, which will continue to transform.
Tadatoshi Kondo,
President and Representative Director