DKK offers total service from delivery to installation and maintenance of various LED aircraft warning lights, including white/red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights and high-intensity aircraft warning lights, the first of its kind in Japan.
High-intensity aircraft warning lights
Unlike ordinary types with a separate power supply unit, high-intensity LED aircraft warning lights with an integrated power source (FX-7C-200K) do not require a power supply component, which results in operational advantages for the user due to reduction in cost and space.
Using die-cast aluminum in the light housing and long-lasting LED elements in the light-emitting components enables continuous operation for over a decade. The product has proved popular with our customers.

White/red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights
DKK white/red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights have both white and red lights that can switch from white to red at night, which enables a single unit to operate in consideration of the impact on the surrounding area. In addition to a new product with an integrated power source (FX-7CR-20K), we can also provide an ordinary type (FX-7SCR-20K) that has a separate power supply component to accommodate customer preferences.

Red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights
When establishing medium-intensity aircraft warning lights on structures such as buildings, steel towers, and chimneys, these red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights (OM-6C) are installed in situations prohibiting installation of white medium-intensity aircraft warning lights out of consideration for the impact the brightness has on the surrounding area. The type and number of low-intensity aircraft warning lights installed at a structure’s intermediate point differ depending on the type of medium-intensity aircraft warning lights installed at the top, so we provide the optimum solution according to the circumstances.

Low-intensity aircraft warning lights
When lights are installed on a building, 100 candela low-intensity aircraft warning lights (OM-7LC) may be installed instead of red medium-intensity aircraft warning lights, depending on the height. Furthermore, in addition to OM-6C and OM-7LC, 32 candela low-intensity aircraft warning lights (OM-3C) may be used in combination with white medium-intensity aircraft warning lights. We suggest the optimal lighting equipment for the user’s target structure.