We provide a comprehensive range of services for the construction of parent stations and relay stations, from antenna installation to towers, shelters, power supply facilities, and broadcasting equipment installation. DKK has a team of qualified personnel for civil engineering, construction, and design work, including procedures for various government agencies related to construction.

Shelter and Foundation Construction
From piling work to shelter and foundation construction, we take into account matters such as the geology and ground conditions to create the best possible design. During construction, we place great emphasis on safety and use the most appropriate methods, taking efficiency and cost into consideration.

Tower Construction
Construction is performed out using the most appropriate methods depending on the size, structure, and location of the tower.
We also perform removal work in instances such as tower replacement.

Antenna Installation
We provide comprehensive construction management when performing antenna installation work, from antenna mounting and laying feeder lines all the way to the actual emission of radio waves, including performance measurement and directional adjustment.