Promotion of Environmental Management

DKK recognizes that addressing climate change is a management issue of the utmost importance. In response to the government’s declaration to become carbon neutral by 2050, and the international community’s strong demand to address climate change, we are promoting efforts to mitigate climate change and contribute to a low-carbon society through our business activities, while also making efforts to contribute to the reduction of our customers’ Scope 3 emissions and achieve business growth.

Promotion of Environmental Management & KPIs

*Continuous targets for each year if no specific target fiscal year is indicated

Priority InitiativesSpecific InitiativesKPIs/Mid- and Long-Term Goals*
Promotion of carbon neutrality・Environmental education to raise company-wide environmental awareness
・Promotion of initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
・Promotion of power saving in products
・Promoting installation of solar panels, etc. at company facilities
・Purchase, etc. of electricity derived from renewable sources
Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions:At least a 30% reduction from FY 2019 levels (FY 2030)
Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions:At least a 15% reduction from FY 2019 levels (FY 2030)
Promoting use of renewable energy: No quantitative target(follow-up item)*
Promotion of a recycling-oriented society・Promoting waste reduction and recycling through sorted disposal
・Promotion of the ”3 R’s” through supply chain coordination
Recycling rate of total emissions: 96% or more
Waste emissions (t): No quantitative target (follow-up item)*
Expansion of environmental products・Embed DKK Group green purchasing guidelines into daily operations.
・Development of environmental products, promotion of sales expansion efforts
Development of products with a 10% reduction in environmental impact:16 or more (FY 2030)

*For items marked as follow-up items, effectiveness verification and basic data are currently being developed. No quantitative targets have been established, as this period is being used to verify the effectiveness of the targets.

The following colors are used for the color-coding of KPIs/mid- and long-term goals

…DKK only …Including DKK domestic group companies …DKK group companies (including international companies)

Actual data and progress

Click here for the Key Performance Indicate and actual data